Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Getting" Christianity

It's just how these things work. The other day I ran across the article highlighted in my last post on the Summit Ministries page. In it, the faltering state of Christian education is addressed, along with some diagnostic ruminations. That same night, my brother shared his notes from a speech by a representative from International Justice Missions, a Christian organization that rescues women from the illegal sex trade. Guess what? Both the article and this speaker concluded that a profound detachment from "the Fall" is what drives the increasing apathy towards faith. In the speaker's words, Americans have gotten very good at managing or masking the effects of the Fall.

I agree to a point. Although Americans do not witness much of the carnage and strife that the rest of the world does, we are suffering from a great spiritual depression. Depression and violence rates among our youth seem to be skyrocketing in eerie proportion to data showing a decrease in Biblbical Christianity.

I do not believe that we need more pain in America, or even a return to fire and brimstone sermons, we just need more honesty. There is plenty of pain just below the shiny surface. Let's be honest first, and the need for a deeper solution will follow.

The truth hurts, but it is the truth that will set you free. It is no small coincidence that Jesus says he is the way, THE TRUTH, and the life.

Next blog... 'how to explain it to people today' in a further effor to help people "get it"

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