Thursday, July 2, 2009

All This Second American Revolution Talk

If you follow Worldnet Daily or The Pearcey Report or the Drudge Report or American Thinker or American Spectator or... well, you get the idea, you will notice that the discussions of where this country is headed have increased in frequency and intensity. This past year, some duly elected officials have even talked of secession. With Obama's incredibly fast power grabs of the banks, the car companies, and the impending health care takeover, it makes one think. The media suckers who helped get the Big O (yes, I did) elected are even starting to worry about his ego, his plans, and his foreign maneuvers. The bottom line is that more and more people are concerned that America may have left the Tocquevillian rails.

Here's the deal. I agree. However, I beleive that we are far from loading the muskets and taking down tyrannical stormtroopers - and for one reason. We have a whole lot of work to do first. This is my list of things that will help get America back on track. God help us.

1. The church has to clean house and become the source of model behavior and well-articulated discussion about transcendent ideas.

2. Americans must stop thinking the government is the "go to" solution for every problem.

3. All Americans must be educated about the deceptive and corrosive tactics of Saul Alinsky.

4. Public schools must approach every subject from a Tocquevillian paradigm, not a Dewey, Darwin, Freud, Gramsci, Steinam, cluster----.

Let's get started. I think I'll speak more about each item on the list in the days ahead.

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