Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Take a look at this article posted at Summit Ministries (one of very few who are doing anything good for the church)...

Here's the gist - young people, i.e. everyone under 50, "don't get" what Chrisitianity is all about. I am witnessing this first hand in the students I mentor at IHS. They really don't see what the point is. As this article points out very well, they are just too overstimulated and too comfortable. The contrasts in life that tend to make moral and philosphical discussions seem important just aren't there. North Korea threatens to reign fire on us all... whatever. Iran's people flood the streets in search of a voice... snore. Terrorists crash into our tallest buildings and home to our military minds... uh huh. It's all the same. American's were not ready for the luxury that landed in our laps thanks to the very un-postmodern thinking of the GI generation. They saw a clear contrast between good and evil and proceeded to launch a costly effort to destroy the perceived threat to America. Then, they handed their disgusting offspring, the Boomers, the entire world on a silver platter. These little peter pans and power princesses thought their only job in the world was to have fun. They kept having fun while they should have been parenting their own children - the dark and notorious Generation X. As Tyler Durden said, "our great depression is our lives." And now, this rebelious, callous generation has become parents, and their kids are simply lost souls drifting along in a sea of materialism, to apathetic to notice the lighthouse sinking out of view. America's generations will soon pass into unconsciousness, and one of our enemies will simply walk up and finish us off where we sleep.

There is hope, though. It is the small hope of Yoda and Obi Wan. It is the fool's hope of Gandalph. It is the hope of the remnant. It is the hope of a very few who will tell each other stories of meaning and reason. It will be found in their seemingly backwards rejection of most of what used to be called entertainment. It will be those who question the very comfortable chains they wear. It will be a community of contentment and simplicity, it will be a community of clarity. It will be the last Christian generation.

Stay tuned for my own take on how to "get" Christianity.

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