Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin Is A Free Agent

Breaking news...

Okay, I am a conservative guy and I do have a picture of Sarah Palin in my locker. Still, I have my concerns. One, I hope that everything is okay at home for her and her family, and that this announcement has purely political functions. Two, if this is a move toward the presidential race in '12, I am really going to have to think about this. She is better than any liberal candidate could be because she operates from a worldview that is far more consistent with reality (economics, foreign policy, etc...). However, I will continue to scan the horizon for a conservative with more experience. That said, I would rather have someone in charge who gets it right in the first year than touts a lifelong history of getting it wrong.

In Biblical times, when the men failed at their leadership role, there were women who stepped up and saved the game. Could be time for that again. As always, time will tell.

One Man's Coup is Another Man's Revolution

Obama sides with the dictator in Honduras and plays slow pitch with Iran's brutal crackdown on protesters. In fact, he shows no love for those struggling for freedom. His reticence, or inability, to act in favor of democratic movements may reveal his moral relativism more than his straight up support for these evil regimes. I hope. Let's work from the theory that, in fact, it is his postmodern inclinations toward ethical ambiguity that allow him to leave so many freedom lovers out in the cold.

For our current administration, this is a real quandry. On the one hand, they know that Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and others have some real bad apples at the helm. However, it seems kind of dangerous to condone overthrowing the government. That's a slippery slope, you know. What prevents a populace from remaking their government whenever they want? According to America's founders, one simple, profound, elegant, brilliant thing... the transcendent idea of liberty preserved by the democratic rule of law. Translation: Rulers are subject to a predetermined set of guidelines that, if not followed to the letter, provide the moral justification for throwing the bums out. It can happen every week if necessary.

Tyrants will try to protest the end of their fat-cat, parasitic existence with decent-sounding excuses, but in the end, they are just trying to hang onto power.

The justification is there. The question now is, are American citizens educated enough about their own political DNA to recognize that they have a president who does not know where his authority comes from.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

All This Second American Revolution Talk

If you follow Worldnet Daily or The Pearcey Report or the Drudge Report or American Thinker or American Spectator or... well, you get the idea, you will notice that the discussions of where this country is headed have increased in frequency and intensity. This past year, some duly elected officials have even talked of secession. With Obama's incredibly fast power grabs of the banks, the car companies, and the impending health care takeover, it makes one think. The media suckers who helped get the Big O (yes, I did) elected are even starting to worry about his ego, his plans, and his foreign maneuvers. The bottom line is that more and more people are concerned that America may have left the Tocquevillian rails.

Here's the deal. I agree. However, I beleive that we are far from loading the muskets and taking down tyrannical stormtroopers - and for one reason. We have a whole lot of work to do first. This is my list of things that will help get America back on track. God help us.

1. The church has to clean house and become the source of model behavior and well-articulated discussion about transcendent ideas.

2. Americans must stop thinking the government is the "go to" solution for every problem.

3. All Americans must be educated about the deceptive and corrosive tactics of Saul Alinsky.

4. Public schools must approach every subject from a Tocquevillian paradigm, not a Dewey, Darwin, Freud, Gramsci, Steinam, cluster----.

Let's get started. I think I'll speak more about each item on the list in the days ahead.

Getting Jammed by Our Enemies

In his book, The Marketing of Evil, David Kupelian reveals some of the intentional tactics behind the liberal movement to destabilize America. One of these techniques is called Jamming. Essentially, it is the process of shouting down your enemy and firing off a host of potentially embarrassing accusations - true or not. The aim is to distract all patries and witnesses from any actual debate. It also serves as a low brow way to deconstruct a person's credibility. Interstingly, liberals and foreign dictators seem especially adept at this art.

What if Hitler had accused us of trying to undermine his legitimate social goals. We would have said, "Sorry, those aren't legitimate social goals, and we have made our decision about what you are." The moral relativism of liberals means that Hitler and Obama must be listened to equally. It means that America has no more right to nuclear weapons than North Korea. It means that America's treatment of its homeless is as evil as the warlords' treatment of villagers in Sudan.

The scary part is that even as it appears that engaging cruel and deceptive dictators in "respectful dialogue" is proving to be a bit optimistic, Obama is supporting enemies of democracy anyway. Either he is one of them, or he is too stupid or stubborn to let go of his arrogant claim that he can talk anyone down.

Time will tell. In the meantime, evil dictators are having a field day with our new savior.

"Getting" Christianity

It's just how these things work. The other day I ran across the article highlighted in my last post on the Summit Ministries page. In it, the faltering state of Christian education is addressed, along with some diagnostic ruminations. That same night, my brother shared his notes from a speech by a representative from International Justice Missions, a Christian organization that rescues women from the illegal sex trade. Guess what? Both the article and this speaker concluded that a profound detachment from "the Fall" is what drives the increasing apathy towards faith. In the speaker's words, Americans have gotten very good at managing or masking the effects of the Fall.

I agree to a point. Although Americans do not witness much of the carnage and strife that the rest of the world does, we are suffering from a great spiritual depression. Depression and violence rates among our youth seem to be skyrocketing in eerie proportion to data showing a decrease in Biblbical Christianity.

I do not believe that we need more pain in America, or even a return to fire and brimstone sermons, we just need more honesty. There is plenty of pain just below the shiny surface. Let's be honest first, and the need for a deeper solution will follow.

The truth hurts, but it is the truth that will set you free. It is no small coincidence that Jesus says he is the way, THE TRUTH, and the life.

Next blog... 'how to explain it to people today' in a further effor to help people "get it"

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Take a look at this article posted at Summit Ministries (one of very few who are doing anything good for the church)...

Here's the gist - young people, i.e. everyone under 50, "don't get" what Chrisitianity is all about. I am witnessing this first hand in the students I mentor at IHS. They really don't see what the point is. As this article points out very well, they are just too overstimulated and too comfortable. The contrasts in life that tend to make moral and philosphical discussions seem important just aren't there. North Korea threatens to reign fire on us all... whatever. Iran's people flood the streets in search of a voice... snore. Terrorists crash into our tallest buildings and home to our military minds... uh huh. It's all the same. American's were not ready for the luxury that landed in our laps thanks to the very un-postmodern thinking of the GI generation. They saw a clear contrast between good and evil and proceeded to launch a costly effort to destroy the perceived threat to America. Then, they handed their disgusting offspring, the Boomers, the entire world on a silver platter. These little peter pans and power princesses thought their only job in the world was to have fun. They kept having fun while they should have been parenting their own children - the dark and notorious Generation X. As Tyler Durden said, "our great depression is our lives." And now, this rebelious, callous generation has become parents, and their kids are simply lost souls drifting along in a sea of materialism, to apathetic to notice the lighthouse sinking out of view. America's generations will soon pass into unconsciousness, and one of our enemies will simply walk up and finish us off where we sleep.

There is hope, though. It is the small hope of Yoda and Obi Wan. It is the fool's hope of Gandalph. It is the hope of the remnant. It is the hope of a very few who will tell each other stories of meaning and reason. It will be found in their seemingly backwards rejection of most of what used to be called entertainment. It will be those who question the very comfortable chains they wear. It will be a community of contentment and simplicity, it will be a community of clarity. It will be the last Christian generation.

Stay tuned for my own take on how to "get" Christianity.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

More on Obama's Bad Medicine

Hear it from the doctors.

Of course, liberals will just say that doctors are greedy. Well, after 8 + years of medical school, maybe I don't mind paying somebody to be the best. We do it with pro sports players and nobody accuses them of greed. You know, if they keep ticket sales up, then why not?

Exactly, competition always improves profit and quality. Making you and I pay for the health care of someone who makes incredibly poor choices or sneaks into the country will put us all in danger.

Ahmadinejad Accuses Obama of Being Like Bush

I am gonna go ahead a say that Obama's Dictator Outreach Program isn't working. Obama is like the sheltered college kid who finds himself in a notorious biker bar. "Come on guys, violence and aggression are so primitive. Can't we evolve?"

"Of course, " they say. Remember "survival of the fittest" is not the same thing as "survival of the coolest media figure of 2009".

Think it's funny? The President is supposed to have our backs in brawls, and he is still trying to come to grips with the fact that there are perfectly sane people that just don't see the world his way and want to kill him and all the dreamy eyed girls who elected him. Not good.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Clowns to the left, jokers to the right...

My apologies, I have been offline raising kids, rehabing my back, and generally laying low. But, the current state of affairs compels my return to the blogosphere.

Quite simply, the political situation in America is not viable, sustainable, or acceptable. I can't help but think this is an amazing time to be alive in, though. We can safely conclude that both Republicans and Democrats are completely beholden to whatever they perceive to the source of their privileged lives. Hey George, Thomas, and Samual Adams (the founder, not the gay, pedophile, cheating mayor of P-town), it's revolution time.

Let me indulge some Eastwood and Wayne fantasy. Imagine no apathy. Imagine all the people having the guts of the Iranian protesters. Imagine a million people in every city asking for one thing - that every single currently sitting political leader and mega church pastor step down, no matter what their party affiliations, no matter their rank. Imagine the newsoids reporting reluctanly about a true grassroots revolution. Imagine day three of the protests. The governing elites would try to save themselves by asking the masses to "respect the process". To ensure that "the process" - that devolved excuse for American democracy that we now live with - they will dispatch riot police and national guard peace-keepers. It will be like Iran. The government will insist that the election was legitimate and that any opposition is illegal. Fortunately, a few "loonies" will refer us all back to binding agreements like the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc... But unlike Iran, we have the Second Ammendment. Not all of our daughters will be shot in the heart by rooftop snipers. Not all of our protesters just throw rocks.

Oh sorry, I got all "American revolution" dreamy eyed. Back to reality, ask any Iranian what is on his or her mind right this second and they will tell you "freedom". Ask any American the same question and the reply will be, "dammit, hold on, I got a text, crap Dutch brothers is closed, now what? mind? mind? I don't know. Do these jeans make me look fat?" And that's just the men.

And so for now, the clowns and jokers have nothing to worry about.